Group Four: The Life of John Steinbeck
Essential Questions
You may include more information in your presentation, but please be sure to cover these points as a minimum.
- What time and place did Steinbeck live in? What was Steinbeck's childhood like? What key events and people influenced his life?
- Describe Steinbeck's career as a writer. What are his famous novels? Where did he write his famous novels? How did Steinbeck use locations in his writing?
- Describe Steinbeck's adult life. How did he live? Why did he live as he did?
- What is Steinbeck's legacy in American literature? What important prizes or recognitions has he been awarded?
You may need to go beyond what is listed here, but I’ve included a few ideas to get you started. You will need to cite all sources used at the end of your presentation, so keep track carefully.
- The National Steinbeck Center: - Your American literature textbook
- The American Writers website (and if you’re really interested, there’s a two hour video you can watch on this site!):
- The Nobel Prize website: - Online and print encyclopedias, such as MSN’s Encarta: - Media Center Databases (go to Infotrac and use the Biography Resource Center for excellent Steinbeck bios; see me if you need a password, or get a bookmark from the Media Center!):
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